If you are local to the Southern Nicoya Peninsula, please come out tonight to Mercado Delicioso at Wonderland Restaurant and Boutique for our monthly market. It will be beautifully decorated. From 6-7pm we have a local shero, ZaZa, who will be leading her “Movement Medicine”. Come dance for Devi and the victory for us all!
Victory is ours!
Letting the Shero inspire you into action
Satsang additional resources
Shero Fest Official Sadhana Challenge (breathwork and meditation challenge)
Shero Fest master satsang post (all previous days and those forthcoming)
Sheroes sharing
Local Sheroes:
Courtney Pink Boot Brewer of La Perra Hermosa Coastal Brewery
Praise and love to my first tantra teacher, Psalm Isadora - This is a music video from her album Mother Medicine. Chorus to Existence (sang by Shylah Ray Sunshine) —“We are so powerful, We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”